Tuesday, October 14, 2014

REFLEKSI WEEK 4: Studio Encik Puat

Hari ini En Puat menunjukkan kami antara alatan-alatan yang digunakan dalam studio fotografi:

Encik Puat menunjukkan kamera (x ingat apa namanya)

kamera ini digunakan khas untuk mengambil gambar dalam studio (modelling). antara ciri-cirinya adalah:

  • 16 megapixel
  • kamera depan menggunakan sistem analog dan belakangnya sistem digital
  • tiada memory card tetapi menggunakan image bank
  • harga bagi sistem digital = RM79k, sistem analog = RM40k (tidak pasti sama ada harga pasaran dahulu atau sekarang)

Pengukur Cahaya/Flash Meter / Light meter

sr: www.frankdoorhof.com

Alat ini mengukur cahaya yang dikeluarkan oleh lampu studio dan digunakan untuk menentukan bukaan diafragma yang seharusnya ada dikamera.

Sumber : http://isjustyogaa.blogspot.com/2012/08/mengenal-peralatan-dan-perlengkapan.html#ixzz3GBQWiKKp

An external light meter (most often simply referred to as a light meter) is a separate gizmo for your dSLR that measures the amount of light in a scene. That's all it does. It doesn't take pictures. More expensive light meters can measure reflected and incident light. Some light meters only measure incident light. While not strictly necessary, a light meter can be a valuable addition to your kit.

Look up your light meter’s manual for specific instructions. In the meantime, here is a general sense of how they work.

  • Turn on your light meter and set it up.

Set the measuring mode, if necessary (some measure flash as well as ambient light). Extend the dome if you’re using the meter incident mode.

If you're using the meter in spot mode, sight what you want to meter through the meter's eyepiece before you press the measure button, and you can keep the light dome retracted.

  • Choose a shooting mode.
Select the shooting mode that lets you enter the setting you want fixed. For example, if you want to set the meter to use f/8 as the aperture, set the meter to Aperture priority mode. This has nothing to do with your camera. You won't be using this mode anyway, as Aperture and Shutter priority modes on your camera are autoexposure modes.

  • Enter the value.
Enter the appropriate fixed value, such as the aperture or shutter speed, that you want to use.

  • Enter an ISO speed.
  • Hold the meter so that nothing is in its way.
If you're shooting a landscape, hold the light meter out or up to keep your body from blocking the light. If you're shooting a portrait, go over to your subject and hold the meter with the light dome pointing towards the camera.

  • If necessary, press the measure button.

This meters the scene.

  • Read the measured exposure setting value.

This isn’t the setting you entered in Step 3. It will be the floating exposure setting that you haven’t accounted for.

  • Switch to Manual mode on your camera and enter the values indicated by the light meter.

Rujukan: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/how-to-use-an-external-light-meter-on-your-digital.html

Tips dari En Puat: set ISO kamera mesti sama dengan light meter. ISO dalam bilik: 400. (Flash hala ke atas bagi mengelakkan ada shadow)

Stand + Softbox

Biasanya setiap pembelian lampu flash studio dillengkapi dengan reflector dan ia menghasilkan cahaya secara terus. Jadi, untuk mengelakkan cahaya terus pergi pada subjek, softbox akan diletakkan untuk menghalang.

sr: fstopdirect.com

Creative Lighting System

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